Mastering the Splits

flexibility splits Sep 25, 2024
Splits with blocks


Struggling with Your Splits? Here’s What You’re Missing

Hey, Albamigos! Are you feeling stuck in your splits journey? Does it seem like every time you make progress, you hit a wall? You’re not alone. Splits can be challenging, especially when it feels like it’s one step forward and two steps back. I’m Hannah, a yoga teacher and trainer here at Alba Yoga Academy, and today I’m sharing some common mistakes that might be holding you back from nailing your splits. Stick around because I’ll also reveal a mind-blowing hack at the end that can change your practice!

1. Don’t Stop at the Basics—Engage Your Nervous System

Many of us start our splits journey with a basic stretching routine, which is a great starting point, but it’s not the finish line. To truly make progress, you need to engage your entire nervous system, especially if flexibility isn’t your natural strength. The key is to approach your splits from every angle, not just focusing on stretching the muscles.

One powerful technique to explore is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). This method doesn’t just stretch your tissues; it also helps your brain feel safer trying out new shapes, making it an essential tool for gaining mobility. For a deeper dive into PNF, check out the full details in our video on YouTube.

2. Avoid Overstretching and Going Too Far Too Soon

We’ve all been there—getting overly excited and pushing ourselves too hard, only to end up overstretching and needing time to recover. This not only derails our progress but can set us back by weeks or even months. The best advice? Slow down. As the saying goes, “Fast is slow, and slow is fast.”

Rushing the process often leads to injury, which can halt your progress completely. Instead, take your time and gradually work towards deeper flexibility. Think of it like the tortoise and the hare—slow, steady, and consistent effort will get you to your goal safely, even if it takes time. And remember, your progress isn’t just about your tissues; it’s about your whole nervous system.

3. Your Nervous System Holds the Key

Did you know that your range of motion is controlled more by your nervous system than by your muscles and joints? This explains why people are incredibly flexible under anesthesia—it’s because the brain’s protective mechanisms are turned off. While we don’t need to go to such extremes, understanding this can help us unlock new potential in our splits.

One of my favorite nervous system hacks involves a simple yet effective trick: when practicing your splits, snap your eyes towards your back leg. This small shift can signal your brain to allow a greater range of motion. It’s these little brain hacks that can make a big difference.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If you’re ready to take your splits to the next level, head over to our YouTube channel and watch the full video. I share more tips like these, including a game-changing hack at the end that you won’t want to miss. Check out “The Ultimate Splits Hack” video for a deeper understanding of how your nervous system plays a crucial role in your flexibility journey.

Let’s get those splits nailed together!