3 Handstand Hacks Backed by Neuroscience

handstands neuroscience yogateachertraining ytt200hr Aug 21, 2024


At Alba Yoga Academy, we love finding gentle ways to deepen your yoga practice. Today, we're exploring three neuroscience-backed tips that can help you improve your handstand with a little more ease and connection. These simple, subtle tricks, shared by Celeste, a dedicated yoga teacher and neuroscience student, can make a surprising difference in how steady and balanced you feel upside down.

First, let’s talk about something as simple as your tongue. It turns out, moving your tongue in specific ways can activate parts of your brain that help with balance and coordination. Try pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, or perhaps sliding it forward for about 20 seconds before you kick up into a handstand. Another option is to gently stick your tongue out, notice which way it naturally points, and then hold it against the opposite cheek. Or, you can even move your tongue in small circles, both clockwise and counterclockwise. These movements help wake up your brain, preparing it to support you as you balance on your hands.

Next, we focus on the vestibular system, which is key for keeping us balanced. This tip is all about finding a grounding stance with your feet, focusing your gaze on a fixed point, and then gently moving your head up and down. It’s a small, mindful movement, but it can have a big impact on how your brain manages balance when you’re in a handstand. After trying this, you might notice a new sense of stability when you go upside down.

Finally, let’s bring our attention to our eyes with a convergence drill. This one helps train your focus, which is crucial when you’re balancing in a handstand. Start by holding a small object at a comfortable distance in front of you, and slowly bring it closer to your face. Stop when your vision just begins to blur. This simple practice trains your eyes to stay steady on one point, which can really help when you’re trying to hold a handstand.

 These tips are meant to be explored gently, with curiosity. Every body is different, so it’s all about finding what works best for you. Try these practices, and then retest your handstand to see if you notice any shifts. And remember, this is a journey—celebrate the small progress you make along the way. If any of these tips resonate with you, let us know in the comments. And if you’re looking to dive deeper, Celeste has more techniques to share in her full-length class. Be sure to subscribe to stay connected with us as we continue to explore the art of yoga together.